
What We Do

We urge the public to value lives and aim to change the behavior and mindset of netizens by encouraging them to post positive and supportive comments on the internet.
Sunfull Comment Campaign
Sunfull is working with schools, businesses, and organizations to promote the posting of helpful and supportive comments. The action of posting positive messages not only provides the experience of doing good for another person, but it also greatly reduces the potential to harass others in the future. In addition to writing positive and meaningful comments to counter bullying and hate speech, we have also created special comment pages to send messages of condolences and encouragement to people who have, or are, suffering from tragic events around the world.
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Sunfull Education
The Sunfull Movement provides special lectures on the Sunfull program to federal government ministries and agencies, local governments, regional offices of education, public and private schools, and workplaces. Complete, educational courses are also provided to train Sunfull teachers. The education program includes courses and training retreats for Sunfull Social Media reporters, Sunfull textbook development, and special lectures.
Global Events
In 2017, the Sunfull Foundation was granted special consultative status by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The Sunfull Foundation is working to expand the Sunfull Internet Peace Movement to other countries, including the United States, China, Japan, Philippines, and Ethiopia.
  • South Korea
     On November 4th, 2019, the National Assembly Beautiful Language Sunfull Award was awarded to 30 lawmakers who practiced the beautiful language of communication and harmony during the previous year.  The nominees were selected by 250 university and high school students who are a part of the Youth Sunfull SNS Press Group. The students reviewed what lawmakers have said at the plenary session and at the Standing Committee over the past year by going through the National Assembly Minutes System.  Teenagers who participated in the selection personally awarded the prize to lawmakers.

    • United States
       Sunfull created a website to collect messages of condolence for the victims of the tragic Northern Illinois University shooting tragedy in 2008 and the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012.  The Sunfull Movement Headquarters compiled the messages of condolence into a book and delivered it to the U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, Mr. Sung Kim.

      • August 11th, 2017, U.S. Congressman Edward Royce and Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs officially commended the Sunfull Foundation for its efforts to counter cyberbullying.
      • January 10th, 2018 Celebration of the 13th annual Korean-American Day, the Sunfull Internet Peace Movement was introduced to several congressmen in the U.S. Capitol Hall, Washington D.C. At the event, U.S. Congressman Edward Royce, Congresswoman Judy Chu of the U.S. House of Representatives, and Mark Chang, a member of the Maryland House of Delegates, made a written commitment to support the Sunfull Movement in promoting peace through good-hearted language to be used on the Internet.
    • China
       In 2008 and 2013, major earthquakes occurred in Sichuan, China. The events were great tragedies, in which more than 70,000 people lost their lives. The Sunfull Movement started a website, and many Korean netizens posted messages of condolence and encouragement for friends and family members of the victims.  The Sunfull Movement Headquarters compiled 10,000 of the messages of condolence into a book, and delivered it along with donations that had been collected for the victims, to the mayor of Yuan City on January 17th, 2014.  Chinese netizens, who had received Sunfull postings from Korean netizens, created a memorial site following the Sewol Ferry disaster in April, 2014. The tragedy took the lives of 304 Koreans, including many high school students who were on a field trip. Over 50,000 Chinese netizens expressed their condolences to the friends and family members of the victims of the tragedy.

      • May 20th, 2015, the Sunfull Movement signed an agreement with China's largest portal company, Weibo, which has 600 million users.
      • May 20th, 2015 & August 25th, 2015, live "Sunshine (Sunfull)" online discussions with Chinese netizens were broadcasted, and reached over 66 million viewers.
      • December 2015, at the invitation of the Chinese government, Dr. Byoung-chul Min attended the 2nd World Internet Convention, held in China, and introduced the Sunfull Movement on the nation-wide CCTV program.
    • Japan
       In 2011, following the major earthquake and tsunami that struck eastern Japan, causing over 20,000 deaths, the Sunfull Movement launched a memorial and support video campaign for the victims and their loved ones. The Sunfull Movement also created a website for the victims of a major earthquake that struck the Kumamoto region of Japan in April 2016.

      • January 5th, 2017, Sunfull Movement members, along with four Korean National Assemblymen, visited the Kumamoto prefecture and presented the Sunfull website, which contained more than 13,000 messages of condolence and supportive comments.
      • January 6th, 2017, Korean and Japanese assemblymen gathered to discuss effective ways to introduce the Sunfull Movement in Japan.
      • June 22nd, 2017, Dr. Byoung-chul Min visited the office of Harada Yoshiaki (a member of Japan's House of Representatives), who committed to participate in the Sunfull Movement. Mr. Harada Yoshiaki became the first Japanese assemblyman to join the Sunfull Internet Peace Movement.
    • Philippines
        For three consecutive years, the Sunfull foundation promoted the Sunfull Internet Peace Movement in the Philippines through lectures, campaigns, and partnerships.  In 2016, Filipino professional boxer and politician, Manny Pacquiao was appointed as an ambassador of the Sunfull movement. In the following year, the Sunfull foundation partnered with the Philippines Women's Club (PWC) to share common interests in countering violence on the internet.  In 2018, Sunfull held a lecture at the Philippine Christian University (PCU) with the goal of raising awareness on the topic of cyberbullying and hate speech and how to counter it with positive messages.

      • In 2019, twelve members of the Philippine House of Representatives signed the Sunfull Declaration for the first time and pledged to participate in the Sunfull Movement. A launching ceremony was held to commemorate this event while reaffirming their dedication to prevent cyberbullying and support the Sunfull Internet Peace Movement.
    • Ethiopia
        In 2019, the Sunfull foundation reached out to the Speaker and Former Speaker of the House of Peoples' Representatives of Ethiopia and received full support for the movement, including a pledge to take part in creating a bright and peaceful society by using good-hearted, supportive and encouraging language.

      • On January 3rd, 2019, the Speaker and Former Speaker of the House of Peoples' Representatives of Ethiopia, signed to support the Sunfull Internet Peace Movement.
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